Crestone Apartments
A Legacy Partners Residential Development
Chuck Bailey–Former Senior Vice President
South Havana Street & East Florida Avenue
Aurora, Colorado
Salient Facts
- Commencement: 1998
- Completion: 2003
- Type of Construction: Wood-frame on post tension concrete slab
- Total Development Cost: $25 million
- Total Units: 234
- Average Unit Size: 902 SF
- Cost Per Unit: $100,000
- Cost Per NSF: $111
- Site Size: 14.2 acres
- Density: 16.5 units per acre
Development Strategy
- Crestone was a very challenging and protracted entitlement process. Although the site was zoned for apartment development for over 38 years, organized and active neighbors imposed their desire to thwart the development for three years during the entitlement process.
- The buildings were designed to emulate a “Prairie” style of architecture that is somewhat indigenous to the plains area surrounding the site.
- The site plan was revised to put the clubhouse “front & center” on Havana Street to serve as the nerve center of the community and attract traffic from a very busy corridor.
- The clubhouse design was patterned after the “Colorado” look most notably prevalent in Beaver Creek with considerable natural materials like slate flooring, exposed trusses, tongue & groove ceiling panels, cultured/quarried stone on the exterior and a custom naturally rusting steel arbor which highlights the entryway.
- There are two zoning designations onsite with the R-2 zone to the east limiting building heights to two stories while the R-3 zone along Havana Street provides for three story heights. The multiple zoning required the necessity for five different building plans.
- The project was completed four months ahead of schedule and was under budget.